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JAMB Past Questions and Answers PDF, Get The Answers Here



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If you are looking for the JAMB Past Questions and Answers PDF, you have come to the right place Newsone Nigeria as we have in this article included JAMB Past Questions and Answers for all the subjects.

JAMB Past Questions And Answers PDF

It’s critical to make effective use of previous questions. Some of us purchase previous questions and keep them in our bags to peruse. Some people simply read previous questions. It is not a good idea to read simply JAMB past questions. Past questions are provided for your review and to see if you have what it takes to get an A in the main JAMB exam. The questions on this page are not intended to be taken as the questions you will submit in your JAMB UTME. The information on this page is solely instructional and is intended for students studying for the aforementioned tests.

Subjects For JAMB Past Questions And Answers

The JAMB exam happens over a span of many days covering several subjects. There are almost 14 subjects from which JAMB Questions And Answers will be asked. We have listed these subjects below following which we have listed the JAMB Past Questions And Answers PDF for each of the subjects.

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • English
  • Economics
  • JAMB
  • Agriculture
  • Commerce
  • CRS
  • Geography
  • History
  • Government

JAMB Biology Past Questions and Answers PDF

Reading the JAMB syllabus and prepping yourself will fetch you good marks. You can put yourself to the test by using previous questions. JAMB’s previous questions are only for review and self-testing.

1. Which Biology Question Paper Type is given to you?

A. Type A

B. Type B

C. Type C

D. Type D

2. Which of the following characterizes amature plant cells?

A. the cytoplasm fills up the entire cell space

B. the nucleus is pushed to the center of the cell

C. the cell wall is made up of cellulose

D. the nucleus is small and irregular in shape

3. Which of the following is NOT a function of the nucleus of a cell?

A. it controls the life processes of the cell

B. it translates genetic information for the manufacture of proteins

C. it stores and carries hereditary information

D. it is a reservoir of energy for the cell

4. The dominant phase in the life cycle of a fern is the?

A. gametophyte

B. prothallus

C. sporophyte

D. antheridium

5. Parental care is exhibited by

A. toads

B. snails

C. earthworms

D. birds

6. Which Question Paper Type of Biology is given to you?

A. Type A

B. Type B

C. Type C

D. Type D

7. The function of the redhead in male Agama lizards is to

A. conceal and camouflage the animal from predators

B. scare other males from the territory

C. attract female lizards for mating purposes

D. warm predators of the distastefulness of the animal

8. In which of the following species is the biomass of an individual the smallest?

A. Agama sp.

B. Bufo sp.

C. Spirogyra sp.

D. Tilapia sp.

9. Seed plants are divided into

A. tracheophytes and ferns

B. angiosperms and gymnosperms

C. monocotyledons and dicotyledons

D. thallophytes and bryophytes

10. In which of the following groups of vertebrates is parental care mostly exhibited?

A. Reptilia

B. Amphibia

C. Aves

D. Mammalia

JAMB Economics Past Questions And Answers PDF

Reading the JAMB syllabus and prepping yourself will fetch you good marks. You can put yourself to the test by using previous questions. JAMB’s previous questions are only for review and self-testing.

1. Which of the following items is NOT included in measuring national income by the income approach?

A. Wages and salaries of public servants

B. Student grants and scholarships.

C. Profits of companies.

D. Income earned by self-employed persons such as lawyers.

E. Rents on property.

2. A downward-sloping demand curve intersects a fixed supply curve. A shift of this demand curve to the right implies that

A. both price and quantity will increase

B. only price increase

C. only quantity increase

D. the price remains constant

E. the price falls.

3. Which of the following items is NOT an argument for locating industries in rural areas?

A. Rural areas supply agricultural raw materials.

B. The pace of development will be quickened in rural areas.

C. Employment will be provided for rural inhabitants.

D. Capital is easily available in rural areas.

E. Suitable humid climate is sometimes found in rural areas.

4. Which of the following sets fully represents the factor of production?

A. Sunlight, machinery, man, land

B. Land, labor, capital, enterprise technology

C. Capital, technology, ideas, market, land.

D. Land, water, weather.

E. Money, market, middlemen.

5. Production possibilities(alternatives) P Q R S T

Units of shelter 5 4 3 2 0

Units of food 0 5 9 12 15

Based on the above production possibilities table, the real cost of a unit of food when alternative R is selected is

A. One unit of shelter

B. Three units of shelter

C. One-third of a unit of shelter

D. Six units ofshelter

E. Two units ofshelter.

6. The concept of economic efficiency primarily refers to

A. Obtaining the maximum output from available resources at the lowest possible  cost

B. Conservation of our petroleum resources

C. Equity in the distribution of the nation’s wealth

D. Producing without waste

E. The limited wants unlimited resources dilemma

7. If successive units of labor are added to a piece of land while capital and technology remain constant, a point will be reached in the level of production when each added unit of labor will add less to the output than previous units of labor.

A. The productivity of labor

B. The law of diminishing marginal utility

C. The law of diminishing returns

D. The concept of factor intensity

E. Labour-intensive production.

8. In perfect competition a firm’s price is equal to its marginal revenue which is again equal to average revenue. This form maximizes its profits when its marginal cost (MC)is equal to the price (p). Which of the curves in the diagram below represents the firm’s marginal cost (MC?

A. Curve I

B. Curve II

C. Curve III

D. Curve IV

E. CurveI and III

9. Marginal cost curve intersects the average cost curve

A. From above at its lowest point

B. From below before the lowest point

C. From below at its lowest point

D. From below after the lowest point

E. At zero point

10. Palm oil industry is located in Bendel State because the state

A. Importsraw material for the palm oil industry

B. Is a palm tree growing area

C. Soil is unsuitable for other crops

D. Government does not engage land for other crops

E. Land is suitable for oil

JAMB Chemistry Past Questions And Answers PDF

Reading the JAMB syllabus and prepping yourself will fetch you good marks. You can put yourself to the test by using previous questions. JAMB’s previous questions are only for review and self-testing.

1. X is the crystalline salt of sodium. The solution of X in water turns litmus red and produces a gas that turns lime water milky when added to sodium carbonate. With barium chloride solution, X gives a white precipitate which is insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid. X is

A. Na2 ,CO3



D Na2SO3

E. Na2 SO4

2. The alkanol obtained from the production of soap is

A. ethanol

B. glycerol

C. methanol D. propanol

C. an alkane

D. an ester

E. glycol

3. The flame used by welders in cotton metals is 9. The molecular formula of X is

A. butane gas flame A. C H O B. C H O 12 22 11 6 12 6

B. acetylene flame C. C H O D. C H O 3 6 3 7 14 7

C. kerosene flame E. C H3O

D. oxy-acetylene flame

E. oxygen flame

4. Consecutive members of an alkane homologous series differ by


B. CH2

C. CH3

D. CnHn

E. CnH2n+2

5. If an element has the electronic configuration 1s22s2 2p3s2 3p2, it is

A. a metal

B. an alkaline earth metal

C. an s-block element

D. a p-block element

E. a transition element

6. Some copper (11) sulphate pentahydrate (CuSO45H2O), was heated at 120oC with the following results: Wt of crucible= 10.00 g; Wt of crucible + CuSO4 5H2O=14.98g; Wt of crucible + residue = 13.54g. How many molecules of water of crystallization were lost? [H=1, Cu =63.5, O=16, S=32]

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

E. 5

7. The three-dimensional shape of methane is

A. hexagonal

B. tigonal

C. linear

D. tetrahedral

E. cubical

8. A mixture of common salt, ammonium chloride, and barium sulfate can best be separated by

A. addition of water followed by filtration then sublimation

B. addition of water followed by sublimation then filtration

C. sublimation followed by the addition of water then filtration

D. fractional distillation

E. fractional crystallization.

9. Which of the following relationships between the pressure P, the volume V and the temperature T, represents an ideal gas behavior?


B. P& T/V

C. PT& V


E. P & V/T

10. Sodium chloride may be obtained from brine by

A. titration

B. decantation

C. distillation

D. evaporation

E. sublimation

JAMB Government Past Questions And Answers PDF

Reading the JAMB syllabus and prepping yourself will fetch you good marks. You can put yourself to the test by using previous questions. JAMB’s previous questions are only for review and self-testing.

1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the parliamentary system of government?

A. Ministers are usually members of parliament

B. The Prime Minister is politically responsible to the parliament

C. The Head of State is the powerful organ of government

D. The Head of Government may advise the head of State to dissolve parliament

E. The Party in opposition provides the Shadow Government.

2. Capitalism is an economic system in which

A. the economy of the State is centrally planned and controlled

B. Private persons are permitted to undertake enterprises

C. accumulation of private property is forbidden

D. that means of production are owned and controlled by the State

E. all big industries and the land are publicly owned for common good.

3. The process of depriving persons of the right of voting is called

A. enfranchisement

B. disqualification

C. dismissal D prohibition

E. disenfranchisement.

4. Bicameralsm refers to

A. a one-chamber legislature

B. the process of voting in the legislature

C. the upper chamber in a legislature

D. a two-chamber legislature

E.legislature in all sovereign States.

5. The principle of the separation of powers implies that the three main organs of government work

A. separately

B. independently and co-operatively

C. against one another

D. reluctantly and gradually for the executive

E. together in the interest of other nations.

6. The main function of the judiciary is

A. serve as the watchdog of the Executive

B. enact laws

C. execute the laws of the land

D. interpret the laws

E. protect the interest of accused persons.

7. A totalitarian governments

A. a government that aspires to control every aspect of a citizen’s life

B. a government for the masses

C. a government of the people, by the people, and for the people

D. a weak government E controlled by the rich

8. An unwritten constitution operates in

A. Guinea

B U.S.A.

C Great Britain

D China

E Nigeria.

9. A sovereign state is one

A. whose constitution can only be changed by a military government

B. where its citizens can speak without fear or favor

C. in which sovereignty is invested in the military

D. whose citizens are free to evade responsibility

E.whose government decisions are made independent of sovereign interference

10. Representative Democracy is best characterized by

A. free elections and proper register of voters

B. proper constituencies and a real choice of candidates

C. a politically educated electorate

D. representation only for the poor

E. rule by the interest groups.

JAMB Commerce Past Questions And Answers PDF

Reading the JAMB syllabus and prepping yourself will fetch you good marks. You can put yourself to the test by using previous questions. JAMB’s previous questions are only for review and self-testing.

1. Commerce is defined as the study of how

A. man utilizes the resources in his physical environment

B. man produces, distributes, and consumes his goods and services

C. man buys, sells, and distributes goods and services

D. raw materials are changed into finished goods.

2. The type of activity which turns processed raw materials into consumer and industrial goods is described as

A. extractive

B. manufacturing

C. constructive

D. processing

3. The production process that combines two or more raw materials into one end product is

A. conditioning

B. blending


D. synthesis.

A. taxes to the government

B. dividends to shareholders

C. interest on loans

D. premium for insurance.

5. A distinguishing characteristic of a limited liability company is that it

A. is a collection of many sole proprietors

B. is a multiple partnerships

C. can sue and be sued

D. has limited resources.

6. Which of the following takes place when firms producing at different stages in the same industry combine?

A. Conglomeration

B. Vertical integration

C. Horizontal integration


7. Which of the following groups is paid first when a firm liquidates?

A. Preference shareholders.

B. Debenture holders

C. Ordinary shareholders.

D. Cumulative preference shareholders.

8. Compulsory dissolution of a business can arise from

A. an agreement by the owners

B. a declaration by a court of law

C. the termination ofitslife

D. an unfavorable economic climate.

9. A company earned a total revenue of N108 million with a total cost of N91 million in 1991. If it paid 45% tax on its gross profit for that year, determine its net profit.

A. N24.65 million.

B. N17.00 million.

C. N9.35 million.

D. N7.65 million.

10. What are fixtures and fittings in a balance sheet?

A. Liquid Capital

B. Current assets

C. Fixed assets

D. Working capital

JAMB English Past Questions And Answers PDF

Reading the JAMB syllabus and prepping yourself will fetch you good marks. You can put yourself to the test by using previous questions. JAMB previous questions are only for review and self-testing.

1. Which literature in English Question Paper Type is given to you?

A. Type A

B. Type B

C. Type C

D. Type D

Questions 2 to 5 are based on J.C. De Graft’s Sons and Daughters

2. I simply don’t understand what’s the matter with everybody today. Everybody let me down, and the speaker above is referring to it.

A. Fosuwa and Maidservant

B. Hannah and George

C. Aaron and Maanan

D. Lawyer B and Mrs. B

3. Maanan expresses dislike for Lawyer B because of.

A. his condemnation of her choice of career

B. his recent advances toward her

C. the betrayal of her father’s trust

D. the betrayal of his wife’s trust.

4. The traditional order in the play is represented by.

A. Mrs. B

B. Hannah

C. Maanan

D. Aunt

5. Where does the play take place?

A. On the street

B. In George’s place

C. In Aunt’s house

D. In Ofosu’s place.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on William Shakes ear’s Romeo and Juliet

6. ‘0’ deadly sin! O rude unthankfulness! Thy fault our law calls death, but the kind Prince, Taking thy part, hath rushed aside the law And turned that black word…’ Deadly sin refers to the.

A. suicide of Juliet

B. suicide of Romeo

C. murder of Paris

D. murder of TybaIt

7. The play is mostly written in.

A. blank verse

B. free verse

C. meters

D. foot.

8. ‘0’ serpent heart, hid with a flowering face!’ The statement above refers to

A. Juliet

B. Romeo

C. Tybalt

D. Benvolio.

9. The spatial setting of the play is.

A. Athens

B. Verona

C. Padua

D. Venice

10. Romeo is banished to Mantua because he.

A. kills Tybalt in a street duel

B. marries Juliet without parental consent

C. attends Capulet’s party uninvited

D. attempts to kill Paris his rival.

JAMB Mathematics Past Questions And Answers PDF

Reading the JAMB syllabus and prepping yourself will fetch you good marks. You can put yourself to the test by using previous questions. JAMB previous questions are only for review and self-testing.

1. If M represents the median and D the mode of the measurements 5, 9, 3, 5, 8 then (M, D) is

A. (6,5)

B. (5,8)

C. (5,7)

D. (5,5)

E. (7,5)

2. A construction company is owned by two partners X and Y and it is agreed that their profit will be divided in the ratio of 4:5. at the end of the year. Y received #5,000 more than x. what is the total profit of the company for the year?

A. #20,000.00

B. P’0#25,000.00

C. #30,000.00

D. #15,000.003


3. Given a regular hexagon, calculate each interior angle of the hexagon.

A. 600

B. 300

C. 1200

D. 450

E. 1350

4. Solve the following equations

4x – 3 = 3x + y = 2y+ 5x – 12

A. 4x = 5, y=2

B. x=2, y=5

C. x=-2, y= -5

D. x = 5, y=-2

E. x = -5, y= -2

5. If x = 1 is root of the equation x3 – 2×2 – 5x + 6, find the other roots

A. -3and2

B. –2 and2

C. 3and–2

D. 1and3

E. –3and1

6. If x is jointly proportional to the cube of y and the fourth power of z. In what ratio is x increased or decreased when y is halved and z is doubled?

A. 4:1 increase

B. 2:1 increase

C. 1:4 decrease

D. 1: 1 no change

E. 3: 4 decrease

7. The value of(0.303)3 – (0.02)3 is

A. 0.019

B. 0.0019

C. 0.00019

D. 0.000019

E. 0.000035

8. y varies partly as the square of x and y partly as the inverse of the square root of x. write down the expression for y if y = 2 when x = 1 and y = 6 when x =4

A. y = 10×2 + 52

B. y = x2 + 131 31x x

C. y= x2 + 1

D. y= x2 + 1 E. y = 10 (x2 + 1 )x 31 31 x 31( x)

9. Simplify(x – 7) /(x2 – 9) ( x2 – 3x)/( x2- 49)

A. x/(x-3)(x+7)

B. (x+3)(x+7)/x

C. x/(x-3) (x-7)

D. x/(x+3)(x+7)

E. x/(x+4)(x+7)

10. The lengths of the sides of a right-angled triangle at (3x+ 1)cm, (3x – 1)cm, and x cm.

A. 2

B. 6 C. 18

D. 12

E. 0

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Philips Sunday is a Journalist and SEO Expert with a demonstrated history of working in the media production industry. He has degrees in Mass Communication/Media Studies. Connect with him on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.



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