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Father Mbaka Blows Hot, Says Nigeria Stained With Blood, God’s Anger Coming



BREAKING: Catholic Church Suspends Father Mbaka

Father Mbaka says Nigeria is stained with blood and that God’s anger is coming.

The fiery Catholic Priest  warned that “in any position you find your self today and you are using it to intimidate people around you, God will visit you for that.”

In the post which was sighted by our reporter, Father Mbaka lamented that “Politics of this Nation is evil”, adding that “our God never sleep” and that “may God visit you.”

Father Mbaka wrote on Facebook: “Matt:16:26 ….. Saying “For What Profit Is It To A Man If He Gains The Whole World, And Loses His Own Soul? Or What Will A Man Give In Exchange For His Soul? Believe Me, Your Wealth Or Your Position Can Not Save You.

“Receive Jesus Today And Be Save; This Nation Has Stained With So Much Blood, Remember Those Who Kill By Sword And Gun Shall Go By It; You Can Never Escape From It I Promised You That!.

“In Any Position You Find Your Self Today And you Are Using It To Intimidate People Around You, God Will Visit You For That In Jesus Name. Politics Of This Nation Is Evil, Our God Never Sleep. May God Visit You For The Good Work You Have Done In Jesus Name. Say Amen,” the post by Father Mbaka added.

Matt:16:26 ….. Saying “For What Profit Is It To A Man If He Gains The Whole World, And Loses His Own Soul? Or What…

Posted by Rev.Father Ejike Mbaka Adoration ministry Prayer Line Songs and Praises on Friday, April 9, 2021