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Happy New Month Of May 2020: Apostle Suleman Releases Prophecies



Apostle Johnson Suleman Releases Fresh Prophecy For The Week

Happy new month of May 2020 prophecies by Apostle Suleman has been obtained NewsOne Nigeria.

NewsOne Nigeria reports that the General Overseer of Omega Fire Ministries (OFM), Apostle Johnson Suleman, has released powerful prophecies for the month of May 2020.

This reliable online news platform understands that the OFM General Overseer released the 2020 May prophecies on the micro-blogging site, Twitter, on Thursday morning, May 1, 2020, five months after he released 2020 prophecies for the year 2020.

Apostle Suleman prayed in the prophecies, that since “5 is the number of grace“, this month of May, grace shall speak” for those that believe in the prophecies.

Stressing the importance of the scripture, Apostle Suleman quoted 2 Corinthians 8.9 and prayed that those that believe in the prophecies, that portion of the Bible “shall be made manifest” in their lives.

The OFM General Overseer who has been tagged as “controversial” in some quarters, prayed in his prophecies that “you shall be rich…both spiritual and material wealth shall put on flesh in your life.”

In the May prophecies, Apostle Suleman prayed that the month of May “shall be a month of no stress” for those that believe in the prophecies.

Below are the May prophecies by Apostle Suleman for happy new month of May 2020…

“5 is the number of grace..this month, grace shall speak for you…

“2 cor 8.9 shall be made manifest in your shall be rich..both spiritual and material wealth shall put on flesh in your life…

“It shall be a month of “no stress” for you and your family in Jesus name.”