Latest Npower payment news On Jan, Feb and Mar Stipends, 30 April 2023

Latest Npower payment news on Jan, Feb, and Mar Stipends, 30 April 2023
Below is the Npower payment news on January Npower Stipend, February Npower Stipend, and March Npower Stipend Today
In Today’s Latest Npower Stipends Payment News, we will be talking about the situation regarding Npower delay stipends and other related issues as the month of April comes to an end today. So keep reading!
The management of Npower has apologized to beneficiaries for the delay in paying their January, February, March, and other outstanding stipends.
Responding to some of the aggrieved beneficiaries, Npower said, we sincerely apologize for the delay in payment. Kindly note that we are currently working to see that payment is initiated soon. Please remain patient, Npower said.
However, with what is going on at the moment, it seems the Humanitarian Affairs Ministry is working with other agencies to see that the stranded Nigerian students caught up in the ongoing crisis in Sudan are Evacuated to Nigeria from Khartoum, Sudan safety.
According to the report, FG is spending $1.2m to evacuate the Nigerians from Sudan.
That notwithstanding, Npower management also makes sure that they engaged their beneficiaries via all their communication channels in encouraging beneficiaries to concentrate on their duties at the place of their primary assignment.
Npower beneficiaries are advised to take advantage of the program to develop new skills that will make them self-reliant.
Finally, as we earlier stated, payment of outstanding stipends will be initiated soon as Npower is working on it. So remain patient while you wait to get paid soon.
Is Npower Nasims Validation closed?
Yes, Npower Nasims Validation has closed. Npower Nasims Validation closed officially on Friday, March 31, 2023, but a check on the official Nasims validation portal by our reporter shows that the Nasims Npower portal is still open for Npower beneficiaries to validate their Npower account.
Validation Nasims, Login https validation nasims ng and validation nasims gov ng: read message from Npower management
According to the validation message sent by Npower to Batch C2 N-Power Beneficiaries, state: “This is to notify you that we encountered issues validating the details you provided on your N-Power (NASIMS) profile. This could be due to error in data entry or in the case of your bank account, invalid/inactive account.
“Kindly use the link below to validate your BVN and account details to continue maintaining your status on the N-Power Program.
“Please if you do not have any issues with your payment, Npower Nasims Profile information, kindly ignore this.”
Having issues validating your Npower account? No more worries, Newsone Nigeria has got you covered. Click HERE for Nasims Validation Link.
That is the Npower news for today, check back tomorrow for more Npower news on News One.