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List Of Canadian Universities To Pursue Graduate Studies



List Of Canadian Universities To Pursue Graduate Studies

List of Canadian Universities to pursue graduate studies can be accessed below.

Newsone has obtained a list of Canadian Universities to consider if you wish to pursue graduate studies in Materials Science and/or Engineering/Metallurgical Engineering/Metallurgy.

University of Alberta

Department of Chemical & Materials Eng.…
TOEFL/IELTS is non-negotiable here

University of British Columbia

Materials Engineering
They’ve got new Professors. Follow @UBCmaterials to see them. 

Dalhousie University
Materials Engineering…Laurentian University

Université Laval, Quebec
Département de génie des mines, de la métallurgie et des matériaux…
You’ll need adequate knowledge of French for classes. A combo of English and French is required since most literature are in English 

University of Manitoba

Materials science &engineering research cluster, Dept of Mechanical Engineering…

McGill University

Ecole polytechnic, Montreal…
Fluency in English or French is sufficient.

Queens University

Mechanical & Materials Engineering…

Ryerson University

University of Toronto

Materials Science and Engineering

University of Waterloo

University of Windsor

Mechanical, Automotive, and Materials Engineering…

University of Ottawa

Carleton University

Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering…

Concordia University

Dept of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.…

Université du Quèbec á Chicoutimi

University of New Brunswick…

Also, check the research done at Marine Additive Manufacturing Centre of Excellence

University of Saskatchewan…

They offer deans and graduate scholarships to go along. You have to possess excellent grades (greater than 85%), publications, and the support of a supervisor.

And finally,

McMaster University

Materials Science & Engineering…
You can follow their updates @MSE_McMaster

Things to note:
1) This list is nearly exhaustive. Feel free to suggest more programs/universities. 

2) You’ll realize that some universities have a full-fledged Materials science and engineering department while others are incorporated within or created alongside a mechanical engineering dept.

3) From the first option in (2), have a look at other engineering departments 

in the faculty such as mechanical engineering (some professors in the department work on materials research), Aerospace engineering (Aerospace materials), Biomedical Engineering (Biomaterials), Engineering physics, and Mining engineering (if you have previous knowledge/experience 
in mineral processing). Also, consider some electrical engineering dept. especially if you have previous experience or interests in micro and nanotechnologies, energy storage materials (photovoltaics, batteries, and solar cells), electronic materials, and nuclear materials. 

Peep into the departments of chemistry and physics research in the areas of materials chemistry, materials physics, and functional materials.

4) Try to be flexible when searching for professors based on your research area. This implies having more than one area of research 

interest as long as you can demonstrate your enthusiasm and past experience (if available). Also look to emerging areas in the field such as computational materials science (ML, AI, IoT, Industry 4.0 in materials manufacturing), additive manufacturing. 
5) As a Mechanical Engineering major, you can consider these schools and research areas too. Think of ways you can ink your CAD, Numerical Modelling(FEA), and computer programming skills to what is done in the field of materials. Look beyond your major and consider related areas that are well funded. These are additional strategies to get funding in graduate school in Canada.
CREDIT: Olajide