24-year-old Bakura Sahaba Modu, is the new Boko Haram leader. Newsone reports that twenty-four year-old, Bakura Sahaba Modu, has emerged as the new leader of Boko...
ISWAP has revealed who ordered killing of Boko Haram leader Shekau. Newsone reports that Islamic State West African Province (ISWAP), has revealed that former Boko Haram leader,...
Boko Haram Commanders killed and arrested by ISWAP have emerged. Newsone reports that the Islamic State of the West African Province (ISWAP) led by new leadership...
Boko Haram Leader Shekau is dead. Newsone reports that an armed group suspected to be members of Islamic State of West Africa Province (ISWAP) killed Abubakar...
Canada has warned it citizens against travelling to 18 states in Nigeria. NewsOne Nigeria reports that the Canadian government its latest travel advisory, has warned its...