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WATCH: Mike Itkis Tape Video Goes Viral On Twitter, Reddit And Youtube

WATCH Mike Itkis Tape Video viral on Twitter, Reddit, and Youtube.
Newsone reports that New York congressional candidate, Mike Itkis released a s3x tape he filmed with a porn star on the s3x site P3rnHub. The 53-year-old, unmarried and with no kids, said he released the video to promote his “s3x-positive” agenda, including the legalization of prostitution.
This online news platform understands that in order to highlight one of his campaign concerns, “s3x positivity,” Independent congressional candidate Mike Itkis, who is running against incumbent Jerry Nadler in Manhattan’s 12th Congressional District, published a tape featuring him and a The title of the 13-minute s tape is “Bucket List Bonanza.”
Watch Mike Itkis Tape Video: HERE
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— Chrisean rock tapes with blueface^leak (@racqtbpierkba) October 15, 2022
Mike Itkis Tape Video Viral on Reddit
He also wants to end the conflict in Ukraine and improve cybersecurity. According to Itkis’ campaign website, “government must assume responsibility for creating a secure computing environment for citizens and preserving a balance between security and privacy.”
Itkis allegedly made the s3x tape with Pstar Nicole Sage last year. He described it as a “great learning experience that actually had an impact on things on my platform.” Itkis told a local political digital journal called City & State that “simply talking about” s3x positivity “wouldn’t indicate my commitment to the topic.”
Iktis actively opposed the conservative view that s3x should only occur between a man and a woman who are married, according to the “s3x positive” philosophy he presented on his campaign website.
Mike Itkis Tape Video: Mike Itkis Video YouTube
Mike Itkis has advocated for “s3x positivity,” which includes s3x worker legalisation and the protection of s3xual rights. According to his campaign website, he wants to “make s3xual rights plain – do NOT rely on privacy or free speech rights.”