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Watch Shanquella Robinson Funeral Footage [#shanquellarobinsonfuneral]



Watch Shanquella Robinson Funeral Footage [#shanquellarobinsonfuneral]

Watch Shanquella Robinson Funeral Footage below.

News One reports that on Saturday, November 19, 2022, a wake is scheduled to take place in honor of Shanquella Robinson, who died in Cabo, Mexico recently under suspicious circumstances.

WSOC-TV reports that the wake is scheduled for 11 a.m. EST until noon followed by the funeral at Macedonia Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Robinson’s Death is now being investigated by authorities as an “isolated criminal matter” after the conflicting circumstances surrounding her passing.

Shanquella’s mother, Salamondra, has suspected foul play was involved since learning of her daughter’s death while her friends claimed she had alcohol poisoning.

An autopsy shared by Salamondra Robinson shows that her daughter Shanquella Robinson died from a broken neck. Currently, no one has been charged with any crimes.

Since the 25-year-old’s death, a video surfaced of someone in the traveling party attacking her in a bedroom while she was naked. A man who appeared to be filming the shocking assault is heard questioning Shanquella, saying, “Quella’ can you at least fight back?” The time and date of the filming have not been verified.

“All I’ve been doing is just crying trying to figure out what happened,” Bernard Robinson said of his late daughter. “I can’t even be a grandfather, can’t even walk her down the aisle, she’s gone.”

A representative for Villa Linda 32, the property where the group was staying, told WJZY that the concierge contacted a doctor who attempted to revive Shanquella, but to no avail. She was declared dead at 3 p.m. local time.

Robinson says he vows to find out the truth while investigators, now including the FBI, search for answers.

“By the grace of God, I think I am going to get to the bottom of this,” he added. “God ain’t gonna fail. It’s going to come out. I’m not giving up. I am very confident that I am going to have peace of mind.”

WATCH Shanquella Robinson Funeral Video below…

WATCH Shanquella Robinson Funeral Footage below…

Philips Sunday is a Journalist and SEO Expert with a demonstrated history of working in the media production industry. He has degrees in Mass Communication/Media Studies. Connect with him on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.