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Where Is Daniel Petry Now? Gabriel Kuhn Case Story And Latest Update



Where Is Daniel Petry Now? Gabriel Kuhn Case Story And Latest Update

Where is Daniel Petry now? Gabriel Kuhn case story and latest update can be accessed below.

Do you remember the story of a 16-year-old boy who assaulted and killed a 12-year-old for a minor scam? We are going to know more in this article…

Who Is Daniel Petry?

Daniel Petry

A photo of Daniel when he was playing a computer game. Photo: @CrimesReais Source: Twitter

Daniel Philip Petry was born in 1991 in Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil. There’s no information about Daniel Petry early life, bio, educational background, or family.

Daniel Petry came into the limelight after he was involved in a murder case.

Gabriel Kuhn Case Story

Per an anonymous recipient’s account, this is what was revealed about Gabriel Kuhn’s Murder Case

Daniel would befriend and frequently talk to 12-year-old Gabriel Kuhn. On one occasion Gabriel asked Daniel if he could borrow 20,000 in Tibia‘s online virtual currency.

Daniel agreed upon the promise that Gabriel would give it back. Over time Daniel began to ask for the virtual currency that was promised back to him but Gabriel decided to keep it and also ban him from his virtual contacts.

This enraged Daniel and he knocked on Gabriel’s door in the morning of 23rd July, 2007. Gabriel opens the door and lets him in, Daniel closed and locked the door behind him, and then began to violently beat Gabriel.

During this beating Daniel also raped him. Daniel removed the game console power cord and wrapped it around Gabriel’s neck as he assaulted and raped him again while tightening the cable strangling Gabriel.

Daniel decided to hide the body in a hallway crawl space trap door. He proceeded to get a knife from the kitchen and hacksaw from the garage so that he might lighten the weight of the torso by removing the legs.

Daniel Petry

Gabriel Kuhn leaning on a tree. Photo: @CrimesReais Source: Twitter

Daniel completely removed Gabriel’s right leg and then proceeded to cut Gabriel’s body in half. The autopsy would show that Gabriel was still alive when his legs were sawn off. Daniel tried to stuff the boy into the crawl space trapdoor but still couldn’t.

He then left the bloody body by the hallway trap door and the legs in the hallway next to the hacksaw. Arrested shortly after Daniel Petry admitted all the crime without hesitation or remorse.

Astonishing police with the amount of detail of every action and feeling he had while recounting his afternoon with Gabriel. Only getting angry and screaming once dening any claims of rape.

But Medical examiners had conclusive fact that Gabriel had been sodomized multiple times. Daniel Petry was admitted to a juvenile delinquency center to be sentenced in September to only three years of socioeducational punishment.

When asked by the Judge if he had any last words of remorse or apology for his actions or Gabriel’s family, Daniel said “Gabriel was a coward and a thief. He cheated, and I will hold him accountable for his acts; as he stated, there is Heaven and Hell, and he is in Hell; I will track him down and exact vengeance”, Daniel said in his last media interview.

Where Is Daniel Petry Now?

The Brazilian court merely sentenced Daniel Petry to three years in a juvenile jail center, a blatant miscarriage of justice.

He was released in 2010, and all accounts indicate that he vanished.

There is no public information about Daniel after he was released from jail.

Latest Update On Daniel Petry

Daniel Petry is believed to be in his home country Brazil. However, he has vanished from the spotlight. after he was released in 2010, and he has disappeared entirely since then. As a result, it is impossible to tell precisely where he is.

Quick facts about Daniel Felipe Petry

What is Daniel Petry’s age? He was born in 1991. Therefore, as of 2022, he is 31 years old.

How old were Daniel and Gabriel when the act of murder was committed? Daniel was 16years while Gabriel was 12 years.

Where is Daniel Petry now? Unfortunately, he lives a private life, and it is impossible to tell where he is today.

Where was Daniel Felipe Petry born? He was born in Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

How did Danie Petry and Gabriel Kuhn know each other? They knew each other through their shared interest in the online game called Tibia.

Who are Daniel Petry’s parents? He has not revealed any information about his parents. Therefore, knowing who they are and what they do is impossible.

The case of Gabriel Kuhn and Daniel Petry has been used to educate most young people and the public about life and death. Likewise, the case of h*omicide has attracted attention in a society where much fact-finding needs to be gathered and shared worldly.